Saturday 20 November 2010


Sways back and sounding better than ever on the Delivery 2 as he cleverly balances his raw lyricism and his main stream appeal seamlessly with a collection of tracks that will satisfy his new fans as well as fans of his earlier work and should keep every one happy until the 2011 release of his new album 'The Deliverance'.
From the onset it won't take too long to understand what sort of party this is as Sway separate's himself from the pack with the epic sounding introduction '2nd Delivery' Which sees Sway dropping more sick bars,flows and punchlines in 2.25 minutes than most artists manage in an entire mix tape its a track which will need at least four re loads on first listen as He goes in with resounding passion over a Triumphant classical instrumental declaring ("This ain't Cam'ron,this ain't Vado,this is that rapper named Sway da Safo,king of the castle,UK's Movado cos I'm breaking bread with Jamaicans Hard Doe") As I said earlier when it comes to Lyricism Sways still in his own league and sharper than ever as is evident throughout this mix tape check the humorous 'Blackberry man'("BlackBerry is a business phone,some people think its a tool,to look like their doing business but they aren't doing no business at all") and deals with his imitators and draws lyrical lines in the sand with F64[100 Bars] ("A lot of rappers ain't for real still they're proper nerds,soon as they get a deal they go to Trotters first,I ain't
gonna name 'em,no promo,no homo,but they are onto me like Smithers is onto Burns' there's the dedication to Real HipHop 'Whose line is it anyway' which finds Sway dropping some of the biggest lines in HipHop but leaving the listener to fill in the blanks(very clever stuff)As well as being one of the most gifted Lyricists in the UK Rap game Sway is also one of the funniest and 'Delivery 2' is peppered with his usual light hearted and dark sense of humour and Look out for the skit 'Jason' which will have you in stitches as well as serious tracks like the inspirational 'Nelson lives Freestyle' Dedicated to the struggle of Nelson Mandella which is done in a way you actually listen and learn as its done in a style which is effective unlike most political rap which seems like the same old,same old and this is really one of the main things that sets Sway apart from the rest his ability to take regular and irregular situations and make them entertaining where as a lot of Rappers can't work out how to hit different angles on their subject matter without either forcing it or biting to some extent Sway seems to enjoy working out different ways to attack tracks and this is something anyone who's listened to his previous projects will know.
A seasoned vet in the UK game Sway has accomplished more than most but doesn't seem the sort of guy to rest on his previous accomplishments and its evident here as the 'Delivery 2' will have you waiting hard on 'The Deliverance' 9.5 out of 10 - CLASSIC!

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