UK Rapper Rimzee real name Ricardo Miles was sentenced to 13 years in prison for shooting at undercover police last year in East London and while the severity of his offence cannot be ignored or glorified it can be said that this is a shame as he was extremely talented and had only just began to build a buzz through his on-line videos and debut mixtape The Upper Clapton Dream.
Please use this as an example of why you need be careful of the choices you make
"A GANG member who shot at police with a handgun in east London last year has been jailed.
Ricardo Miles, 21, of Gilbert Street, Turkey Street, was sentenced to 13 years for one count of possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and one year for possession of a knife at Snaresbrook Crown Court today. The sentences will run concurrently.
Miles was jailed alongside Adebola Alimi, 22, of Islington, and Daniel Ikumelo, 21, of Hackney, who were sentenced to 11 years and 11 months and 12 years respectively, for the same offences. Both also were given the concurrent sentence of one year for possession of a knife.
On January 10, 2012, officers had been monitoring CCTV in Mandeville Street, Hackney, at 11pm when they noticed three men on bicycles acting suspiciously.
As an unmarked patrol car approached the men, Miles fired a single shot in the direction of the vehicle, which hit the road in front of the car. He continued to point the firearm at police before cycling off and discarding the weapon. The trio then made off across a nearby footbridge.
The gun was later recovered at the scene along with a knife which had been dropped during the chase.
The three men were known gang members who were in dispute with rivals from the area, they had been riding around looking to cause harm to rival gang members. DNA recovered from the bicycles and the knife were attributed to both Alimi and Ikumelo. Detective Chief Inspector Gary Bruce, from Trident East Reactive Team, said: “Miles, Alimi and Ikumelo were known gang members who had gone out on bikes on the night in question armed with a firearm and a knife determined to endanger the lives of others."
[courtesy of North London Press]