In what is his first interview since leaving prison King from URM caught up with Notorious rapper Paper Pablo from the Bloodline Family to discuss his new album The Man The Myth, his film career, the state of Uk music and much more.
You have never done grime, with the rest of bloodline having done both rap and grime was this a conscious decision?
I used to MC in the garage era but i wasn't taking it serious i was just having fun with it. Plus i didnt think i was that good compared to the rest of the crew so i dropped it outThats something you have to be real with yourself with.....whether your bars are good or shit....dont lie to yourself about it....be real....so that was my reason, if im gonna MC i wanna be deep like H not just ok like some of these other guys
When can we expect The Man The Myth? Any features you can tell us about?
You can expect my best work to date. I've been working on this CD from early April and i think it sounds better than money talks so far. Its 1 of those albums that you can listen to through out.....thats what i wanted to make a CD where every song fits in....so far i have SAS,PREZ T and BIG H on it for collabs
Will there be any music videos for any of the tracks on The Man The Myth?
Yes defo, we will be doing mini movie vids for selected tracks very epic like 6 minute short films.
What is your view on the current state of UK urban music (rap/grime), is it doing good, what is holding it back?
I think the lack of individualism because everybody is sounding the same and making the same type of songs. That pop/electro, the tinchy n- dubs type of stuff. Bunch of copy cats if you ask me. Its even happening in the Uk rap scene as well these guy are all trapping all of a sudden big time nino browns bunch of rick ross type niggas FAKING IT come to bloodline if you want the REAL stuff we specialise in it .
Any news on the Bloodline Album?
as soon as BOSSMAN AND PREZ T finish there CDs we'll be looking in that direction..can you imagine how sick that will sound a CD with the full team on it
You have a bunch of unreleased tracks floating around youtube etc (frontline, paper chase, high stakes, risking my freedom etc), any plans to put out the CD Qualitys?
when your dealing with old vintage songs sound quality doesn't really come into it in my eyes..depending on the quality is how you can sort of tell when it was made.....at what stage was I at in my music career you know what I'm saying? Best of pablo can be done without me someone can just get my old songs and upload them to sendspace i guess i dont have a problem with it but i wouldnt try and profit off it there's no point
If you could collab with one rapper past or present from US or UK who?
right about now i wouldn't wanna work with no one im feeling myself too much right now no homo but if i had to choose I'll say devlin cost his style is unique as a matter of a fact i think him and Prez t will sound sick on a track together
You made London State Of Mind, any plans for another movie? Was there a movie called Money Talks in the works, you mentioned it a while back?
we are working on a sequel series of LSOM and Money Talks is still coming out but the prison time knocked me back sorry folks
Favourite track from Money Talks?
CASH OVER GASH and MY WHOLE WORLD and im feeling FUCK THE POLICE too lol due to the recent circumstances
Who do you rate as the top guys in UK Rap?
BIG H his unique outside of bloodline, Giggs is doing his ting his a unique guy as well so when people copy him its so so bait that im surprised they themselves cant tell
You and the rest of bloodline have been going in ( no homo ) on Scorcher, he has indirectly been tweeting you, is there anything you would like to say on the matter, and on him?
im just here to expose and separate the real from the fake...and im sure the fans get the picture, but fuck him anyway.....he could of been any one of these MC's claiming to be some REAL GUN TOKING TRAPPSTARs it was and aint nothing personal he's just a punk and im here to show the scene just that.
You made a track going at him, and reports were you played it on u stream, any plans to release this?
maybe i did maybe i didn't....maybe i will maybe i won't....I dont think we'll be hearing any gangster type stuff from him anymore lets just leave it as that for now
Your cd Money talks was critically acclaimed by just about everyone and even achieved itunes recognition, reaching the top 90. As an independent artists releasing real music and not watering your style down this is a massive look. What else do you think can be done to help uk rap progress?
Keeping consistent is the main thing also People wanna know the man behind the music. That's why I do interviews so that people can get to know me as a person as as well as a artist.
You recently returned from an enforced break from music, was the Man the myth finished before you went prison?
yeah i had like 15 tracks already done before i went away but i recorded some newish ones because shit gets dated so easy so im in the process of picking the best ones from like 20 tracks
Your workrate is very impressive, with rumours of another cd being released by you before the end of the year, can you expand on this with any more details?
yeah I live in the studio. that's all I do is go studio I don't go raving or wine bars I just go studio that's my life right about now and has been for the most of this year.... I wanna put out another CD for Xmas it goes back to what i said about consistence you cant lose that way.... I wanna get a mixtape award man lol and if i don't im on some kayne west shit hahahaha
Before the last few years you were not very active musically, what made you decide to start getting the music out there?
I woke up and said its time to get legit and what better way to do it
And going back further what made you decide to be a rapper?
I always listened to Rap my mom brought me a NWA album straight outta Compton when i was in year 3 of primary school lol true stories them man where my guys man i used to go school and say FUCK, fuck, fuck THE POLICE hahaha from then i always knew i wanted to rap and i used to like fresh prince and jazzy jeff i though they where so cool man lool
Where can people contact you and keep up to date with your music?
BLOODLINEFAMILYLTD@HOTMAIL.CO.UK IS my email and www.facebook.com/PaperPablo is my FB im always keeping people up to date on that, also my twitter is www.twitter.com/pabbywabby. Follow 9 Milli Major too at www.twitter.com/9millimajor
Any Shoutouts?
uk rap music keep doing your thing
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